Stonesfield Gardening Club AGM will be held on Monday 11th February at 7.30pm at the St James’ Centre, High Street, Stonesfield (location map on the website). It will last approximately 15 minutes.

Members who have not yet paid their 2019 membership or new members are very welcome to the AGM where they can pay their 2019 membership (£8 individual or £15 for couple living at same address).

It will be followed by a talk ‘Compost: the art and the science’ given by Master Composter, Keith Wellsted.

The agenda for the AGM is attached as are:

  • Stonesfield Gardening Club 2018 y/e accounts
  • Stonesfield Gardening Club 2019 budget
  • Treasurer’s report for year ending 31st December 2018 (which is also show below)

2018 income exceeded the budget in the main due to the highly successful April Plant Sale. The year was also boosted by £375 from compost sales where the cost was taken in 2017.

Expenditure was in line with expectations. The year included some 2017 costs which explains why hall hire and raffle costs look slightly high. This yearend all 2018 cost have been included.

Overall income exceeded expenditure by £290 after £100 was donated to Bridewell Organic Gardens.

At the end of the 2018 financial year £424 of 2019 membership fees had been received (approximately 1/3 paid by BACS). This money has all been banked but not included as 2018 income in the accounts.

The draft budget for 2019 shows income equalling expenditure. Other than membership fees, the main sources of income are the April Plant Sale and a June Open Garden. Both have been conservatively budgeted so there is scope for increasing this income and therefore increase the 2019 charitable donations. Expenses for 2019 are projected as similar to 2018 actual costs.

In view of the current financial strength and the projected budget for 2019 the Treasurer recommended to the committee, at their meeting on 15th January, that a charitable donation of £200 could be considered. The committee recommends to members that this money goes to the New Yatt Riding for the Disabled which provides therapeutic horse riding to children and adults in West Oxfordshire.

More details can be found on their website

Paul Bates


15th January 2019

Stonesfield Gardening Club 2019 Budget.pdf

Stonesfield Gardening Club 2018 ye Accounts.pdf

SGC 2018 Treasurer report 190115.pdf

2019 AGM Agenda.pdf