On 16 October we had a club visit to Harcourt Arboretum, outpost of the Oxford Botanic Garden. The forecast was for torrential rain, so we came prepared however it didn’t materialise and it was a warm, if a little grey, visit.

Lauren Baker, educational officer, who also happens to be a club committee member, took us on a 2 hour walk round the arboretum, chatting about all the wonderful trees and fungi to be seen at this time of the year.

The Wollemi Pines were of great interest, as they are known as ‘fossil species’. Once thought extinct, a few of these trees were found in a valley in Australia in the 1980s, so seeds and cones were sent abroad to botanic gardens to ensure that more were grown. The ones at Harcourt come from Westonbirt Arboretum and are doing well; one large specimen and a new introduction of six more, very healthy looking trees.

The autumn colours were just beginning to show when we were there, and we made note to go back in the spring for the bluebells, and in June for the wildflower meadow. A lovely place to visit, and not far away.