Monday 10 February was the first meeting in 2025 and started with the AGM.
Whilst members enjoyed a glass of wine, the secretary gave a resume of 2024 and outlined the 2025 calendar. The treasurer then presented the 2024 accounts and 2025 budget which were approved by members.
At the meeting Wendy Gould, a committee member since the club started, and Suzy Boardman stood down as committee members and were given small gifts in recognition of all their work for the Gardening Club.
We were pleased to greet Judy Anders and Paul Cooke who were elected to join the remaining committee members who had stood for re-election. Gaye Olesen was re-elected as chair for 2025.
Following the AGM, Chrissie Harper gave an amusing talk outlining some of the highs and lows of running a bird rescue. In 2024 she and her husband, Phil, had rescued over 90 birds and 6 more, so far, in 2025. These ranged from barn and tawny owls to kestrels and kites
Fortunately she was able to release most back into the wild although some she has to keep as they are either non-native (illegal to release) or captive bred (they don’t know how to hunt).
We were also introduced to Acorn (a tawny owl) and Zulu (a barn owl). Acorn was captive bred whilst Zulu is a melanistic barn owl which is non-native so neither can be released.
Everyone was delighted to get close up to the owls, some even held them.
You can find out more on Chrissie’s work via her website