Successful 2024 plant sale

It was very cold and damp on Saturday 27 April when Stonesfield Gardening Club committee opened the 2024 plant sale. The poor weather did not deter Stonesfield residents from coming out in force to snap up the offers. In addition people travelled from Witney, Combe...

Volunteers finishing off pub garden

Thanks to Dave & Will we finished the turfing today (15 April) and it’s all a great improvement. All ready for ArtWeek opening on 4 May. Huge thanks to everyone in the Gardening Club who has contributed hours of volunteering since we started last September.The...

Plant Sale – 27 April

Stonesfield Gardening Club will be holding their annual plant sale on Saturday 27 April. It will be at its usual location at Four Acres, Pond Hill (just down from the shop) between 8.30am and 11am. Members have been busy growing plants in spite of the unseasonably...

Pub progress

Tuesday 19 March and another good day in the pub garden… especially as the rain held off. We have now dug out the two big roots between concrete and grass (thanks to Sybil and Will) and will now prepare this for seeding / turfing. More pruning filled four dump bags!...

Paul Williams – 11 March

Our talk on Monday 11 March was from Paul Williams who has spent a lifetime in horticulture, including 18 years as a head gardener at Bourton House and 12 years head gardener at East Court, Charlton Kings, Glos (a private garden which used to open for NGS)....

Paul Wren – 12 February

After a short AGM we were joined by Paul Wren who gave us a fascinating talk about his passion… Swifts. Paul lives in Stonesfield and spends his spare time putting up swift nesting boxes in the area. He has a target of 50 and is a long way on the road to achieving...