Dec 11, 2018 | News
We gathered in the St James’ Centre on 10 December for our annual Christmas Social and Gardening Quiz, this year fiendishly thought out by Gill Barrett from the committee. While each table fought with the anagrams, picture questions (berries, bulbs and leaves!) and...
Nov 16, 2018 | News
Stonesfield Gardening Club members may like to know about Charlbury Garden Society next talk on 13th December at 8.00 on the subject : Gardening at Great Dixter. It will be held in the Memorial Hall, Browns Lane. This is a rescheduling of an earlier talk which was...
Nov 13, 2018 | News
For our November meeting, we invited local resident and keen lepidopterist Martin Gascoigne-Pees to talk to us about the butterflies in our gardens, the hedgerows and on the Common and what we should be planting to encourage them. What they need are nectar rich...
Oct 15, 2018 | News
The Gardening Club went off to Batsford Arboretum on Monday 15th October. Fourteen hardy souls braved the conditions. As it turned out the drizzle eased off and we were rewarded with a good display of autumn colour. The colours seems to be enhanced by the damp!...
Sep 11, 2018 | News
On Monday night (10th September) the Gardening Club turned out in force to hear Graham Pavey speak on the aspects of garden design. He illustrated his talk with slides of what to avoid, and the reasons why, as well as ideas for creating impact by design. More...
Jul 23, 2018 | News
On 16th July the Gardening Club had a tour of some of the hidden gardens of Burford. We saw three ones we had not visited before, starting in the Old Vicarage on Burford High Street. This is a garden transformed in the last few years by its new owners. We then went on...