School Fete donation

The gardening club had a stand at the school fete on Saturday 21 May. The weather was kind and the members of the committee were able to enjoy the afternoon sunshine talking to Stonesfield residents. We welcomed 3 new members. We also raised £104 by selling sunflowers...

Summer Luxuriance

On Monday 9 May we had Harriet Rycroft visit us for a talk ’Summer Luxuriance’. This was a follow up to her 2021 Zoom talk which we all throughly enjoyed, hence there was a very good turnout of members to see her ‘live’. Harriet started by showing us photographs...

Another successful plant sale

Fortunately Saturday 23 April was a dry day. However it was a little cool and windy but this did not discourage the many visitors to our annual plant sale at Four Acres, Pond Hill. As in 2021, a small queue had formed by the time we opened just before 8.30. From then...

Annual plant sale – 23 April

Stonesfield Gardening Club will bd holding their annual plant sale on Saturday 23 April. It will be at its usual location at Four Acres, Pond Hill (just down from the shop) between 8.30am and 11am. Members have been busy growing plants in spite of the unseasonably...

March AGM and talk

In the middle of March we finally managed to get together in person to hold our AGM and to welcome our first speaker of 2022. The meeting was very well attended (probably due to the promise of a glass of wine!) and we rattled through the business part of the meeting...

Wychwood Forest Trust talk – 8 Nov

Our talk on Monday 8 November was from Neil Clennell, Chief Executive of Wychwood Forest Trust (formerly The Wychwood Project). Neil started by taking us through the history of Wychwood Forest and the key activities that changed to the landscape since the 13th Century...

Live talk from Rob Jacobs – 4 Oct

On Monday 4th October 2021 the Gardening Club held its first live talk since March 2020. It was good to be back in the St James’ Centre amongst friends. We were delighted to welcome Rob Jacobs from Waterperry who has spoken to the...

Bridewell Garden visit – 9 Sept

The Gardening Club’s Autumn calendar got off to an interesting start when a group of us visited Bridewell Gardens. Ruth Madder welcomes the SGC in Bridewell’s vineyard. The gardens’ director Ruth Madder showed us round and explained the work that they do there....

A perfect evening for a walk

After two years, and two postponements in 2021, Stonesfield Gardening Club’s village walk finally took place again on 23rd June. The weather could not have been more perfect as 25 Club members enjoyed the sights and smells of three gardens. We started at Long Becs, on...

May talk – Harriet Rycroft

Our May meeting was ‘Zoom’ with our speaker Harriet Rycroft. Her topic was A Year in Pots, talking about her very obvious love and expertise of the subject. She showed us some lovely slides of her own courtyard filled with them (some 300 in total!) as well as...